5.1 Passive Buzzer

Hardware Wiring


The code can be found at Examples_Arduino - sensor-kit-for-arduino - _006_PassiveBuzzer - _006_PassiveBuzzer.ino.

int buzzer=8; // Set buzzer IO pin, here 8
void setup()
  pinMode(buzzer,OUTPUT); // set buzzer pin as output
void loop()
  unsigned char i,j;  // Variable Definition
    for(i=0;i<80;i++) // broadcast a noise at one frequency
      digitalWrite(buzzer,HIGH);  // start buzzing
      delay(1); // delay 1ms
      digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW);   // stop buzzing
      delay(1); // delay 1ms
    for(i=0;i<100;i++)  // broadcast a noise at the other frequency
      digitalWrite(buzzer,HIGH);  // start buzzing
      delay(2); // delay 2ms
      digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW);   // stop buzzing
      delay(2); // delay 2ms

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