2.4 More About IO
2.4.1 void tone(pin, frequency, duration);
brief: generates a square wave of the particular frequency on a pin (at a 50% duty cycle).
pin: analog IO pin index, must be a value between 0 and 5, corresponding to analog pin A0 ~ A5.
frequency: HIGH or LOW. HIGH refers to a high level pulse, entering and leaving at a high level voltage; LOW refers to a low level pulse, entering and leaving at a low level voltage.
duration (optional): ms to wait for the pulse to be completed.
return: void.
2.4.2 void noTone(pin);
brief: stop generating a generated square wave triggered by tone(). Has no effect at all if no tone has been generated..
pin: analog IO pin index, must be a value between 0 and 5, corresponding to analog pin A0 ~ A5.
return: void.
2.4.3 void shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder, value);
brief: shift out a byte bit by bit.
dataPin: digital IO pin index, must be a value between 0 and 19, but 2 ~ 13 is preferred. Normally, pin number should be 0 ~ 13. Analog pins A0 ~ A5 can also be adopted, which is according to number 14 ~ 19. dataPin is the pin each bit is output to.
clockPin: after the dataPin has been set to the correct value, this clockPin is to be toggle once.
bitOrder: either MSBFIRST or LSBFIRST, corresponding to Most Significant Bit First or, Least Significant Bit First.
value: the data to shift out a byte.
return: void.
2.4.4 byte shiftIn(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder);
brief: read pulse length in ms.
dataPin: digital IO pin index, must be a value between 0 and 19, but 2 ~ 13 is preferred. Normally, pin number should be 0 ~ 13. Analog pins A0 ~ A5 can also be adopted, which is according to number 14 ~ 19. dataPin is the pin each bit is input from.
clockPin: before starting reading dataPin, this clockPin is to be toggle once.
bitOrder: either MSBFIRST or LSBFIRST, corresponding to Most Significant Bit First or, Least Significant Bit First.
return: byte.
2.4.5 unsigned long PulseIn(pin, value, timeout);
brief: read pulse length in ms.
pin: analog IO pin index, must be a value between 0 and 5, corresponding to analog pin A0 ~ A5.
value: HIGH or LOW. HIGH refers to a high level pulse, entering and leaving at a high level voltage; LOW refers to a low level pulse, entering and leaving at a low level voltage.
timeout (optional): ms to wait for the pulse to be completed.
return: unsigned long.
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